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1 Ascension Place, Rosedale, Auckland 0632
Deliveries to: 5/20 Constellation Drive,
North Shore,
Auckland 0632
Ph: +64 9 444 7698
Maximum of 6 rock lobster (both species combined) on any one day.
Except Te Arai Point, Auckland to Cape Runaway where a total of 3 spiny rock lobsters can be taken, and the remainder (up to 6 in total) can be packhorse rock lobster. If no spiny rock lobsters are taken at the same time, 6 packhorse lobsters can be taken.
Rules changing in CRA2 area from 1 July 2020
Measure the tail width in a straight line between the tips of the two large (primary) spines on the second segment of the tail. If you are unsure of the sex, use the 60mm measurement.
Measure the tail length along the underside in a straight line from the rear of the calcified bar on the first segment to the tip of the middle fan of the tail. Must have a tail length of at least 216mm (male and female).
There are rules and protections for gathering rock lobster/crayfish that cover: protected types, gathering methods, pot construction and use.
From Te Arai Point, Auckland to Cape Runaway telson clipping is required for all recreationally harvested spiny rock lobsters. The last third of the telson (central part of the tail fan) must be cut off so that it is noticeably shorter than the other sections of the tail fan. This must be done to all legal spiny rock lobsters as soon as they are taken.
Labelled diagram of a telson-clipped lobster [PDF, 551 KB]
Do not telson clip any packhorse rock lobsters.
CODE: SS011350000
However, if you have purchased a modern "Large Display" computer, you can now buy this interface cable and take full advantage of this fantastic Suunto Software by downloading all your dive data into your PC or Mac!
Suunto DM5 software allows you to both transfer your dive computer's logbook data to your laptop for detailed analysis and upload detailed dive plans from your laptop to your dive computer. Suunto DM4 is free to download and will be updated automatically when you are online.
Before you begin a dive, you can easily plan dive profiles, gases, and back up plans on your laptop using DM4's detailed graphical planner and export them to your wristop dive computer using a compatible USB cable, ready for your next dive.
Suunto DM4 now features real gas calculation. Because factors such as compressibility and temperature at fill up are taken into account, your gas blend is more likely to correspond to the one you want than if ideal gas calculations were used. This results in less tweaking of dive plans, particularly when using trimix.
You can transfer data such as dive profiles, maximum depths, temperatures, air consumption, and nitrox data directly from your dive computer to your laptop. You can also enter dive locations, names of your friends, equipment, and other comments - just as you would do with a conventional paper log.
The simulator function helps you gain greater understanding of decompression theory and computer-assisted multilevel diving, and is also an excellent tool for dive instruction.
Suunto DM4 is now available in English, Dutch, French, Finnish, German, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish language versions.
Download Suunto DM4 - it's compatible with both PC and Mac*!
*Requires installation of Mono framework for Mac.
All details, prices and availability are subject to change - All rights reserved Dive Centre Ltd 1972-2025